Georgia Lottery Corporation - County Analysis of Lottery Proceeds FY 1994-2018
May 23, 2019
Georgia Lottery Corporation
Did you know that the Georgia Lottery has paid the following amounts:
- $18,932,668 in retail commissions
- $161,775,994 in prizes
- and has served 9,877 HOPE students with $34,483,404 in HOPE dollars
- and has served 3,751 PreK students with $13,039,089 in PreK dollars
- for a total of $230,348,225 returned to Peach County alone from FY 1994-2018?!
That's a staggering number when you consider that is for one county in Georgia!
For more information on how the Georgia Lottery benefits Georgia, click here. To read more about how the Georgia Lottery benefits Peach County, specifically, click here.
If you'd like a PDF version of the Georgia Lottery report, click here.