About Georgia Work Ready Communities
ACT Work Ready Communities (WRC) empowers communities and states with process, data and tools deployed in a common workforce development framework to drive economic growth by certifying communities as "work ready" when established goals are attained.
Think of it as a docking station where all participants plug into the common community-level ACT Work Ready Community criteria as part of establishing community goals.
The common criteria are based upon the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (ACT WorkKeys NCRC) and business engagement to create a community-based workforce development process that links, aligns and matches the community's workforce development efforts to the needs of business and industry. The goal is for all participating communities to achieve certified work ready status.
Peach County is leading the effort in Middle Georgia and we're adding new businesses to the list of those who either recognize or require ACT WorkKeys NCRC in their hiring process.
Below are tools and resources to help you create thriving workforce ecosystems that foster economic growth. Start by choosing which problem you are trying to solve.
- Lower Employee Turnover
- Reduce Hiring Costs and Improve Performance
- Finding Better Applicants
- Increase Hiring Effectiveness
- Lower Unemployment Rates in a Community
- Community Collaboration & Economic Development
If you would like to join the effort and register your business, click here and become a member in the growing number of businesses in Peach County that support the program.