Governor, First Lady Announce Recipients of Arts & Humanities Awards
February 10, 2022
Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) Newsroom
Atlanta, GA – February 10, 2022 – Governor Brian P. Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp today announced the recipients of the 10th annual Governor’s Awards for the Arts and Humanities to honor outstanding individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to Georgia through their work in these fields. The awards are presented in partnership with the Georgia Council for the Arts and Georgia Humanities.
“It’s my honor to congratulate the individuals and organizations who have earned this year’s Governor’s Award for the Arts and Humanities and thank them for the contributions they have made to our state and culture,” said Governor Kemp. “These recipients are great examples of Georgia's creative industries, which play a key role in the economic health of our state, not only providing jobs, but also contributing to our growing tourism numbers.”
“It’s truly a special opportunity each year to pay tribute to some of the talented individuals and organizations in our state who enrich our communities and encourage deeper connection,” said First Lady Marty Kemp. “We applaud these recipients and all those whose work in the arts and humanities help make Georgia a vibrant place to live and visit.”
Following a competitive nominations process, 10 members of the arts and humanities communities from across Georgia were awarded with this year’s honor. The recipients represent a diverse group of individuals and organizations that have contributed to, and supported the growth of, Georgia’s thriving creative industries through community involvement, pioneering programs, and long-term financial commitment.
The recipients of the 10th Annual Governor’s Awards for the Arts and Humanities are listed below. Each link includes a video highlighting the recipients’ contributions to Georgia’s creative communities and culture:
• Didi Dunphy, Clarke County
• Sheffield Hale, Fulton County
• Lyrika Holmes, Cobb County
• Donald L. Lovette, Liberty County
• Marquice L. Williams, Chatham County
• Dad’s Garage Theatre, Fulton County
• The Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts & Sciences, Rabun County
• Georgia Council on Economic Education, statewide organization based in Fulton County
• Out of Hand Theater, Fulton County
• Synchronicity Theatre, Fulton County
A video about the awards featuring Governor Kemp congratulating the recipients, accompanied by additional details about their contributions, is available here. For biographical information and additional background on each of the recipients, a program is available here.
About This Year's Award
This year, recipients of the Governor’s Award for the Arts and Humanities will receive traditional low country sweet grass baskets, which were handwoven by master basket-maker Yvonne Grovner. Grovner was a 2020 Governor’s Award for the Arts and Humanities recipient who helps keep the art of sweet grass basket-making alive through classes, stories, and tours of Sapelo Island.
About the Award Partners
The Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA) works to cultivate the growth of vibrant, thriving Georgia communities through the arts as part of the Georgia Department of Economic Development’s mission. GCA provides grant funding and statewide programs and services that support the vital arts industry, preserve the state’s cultural heritage, increase tourism and nurture strong communities. Funding for GCA is provided by appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts. For more information, visit
Georgia Humanities promotes and preserves the stories and cultural legacies of the state’s people — from the past to the present and into the future — to enrich their lives and strengthen their communities. An informed and educated Georgia understands historical and cultural trends, respects the life of the mind, utilizes critical thinking in decision-making, and promotes mutual respect and civility. Funding for Georgia Humanities is provided by the Georgia General Assembly, the National Endowment for the Humanities, foundations, donors, and partners. For more information, visit
Press Contacts
Katie Byrd - Director of Communications
Office of Governor Brian P. Kemp
Andrew Isenhour - Deputy Director of Communications
Office of Governor Brian P. Kemp
Marie Gordon - Director of Communications
Georgia Department of Economic Development
Read original press release here.