Development Authority of 
Peach County Georgia | 425 James E. Khoury Drive | Unit B | Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 | (478) 825-3826 |

Legislative Update 2020 - Week #2

January 27, 2020
GEDA (Georgia Economic Developers Association) & Prepared by: Cornerstone Government Affairs

The General Assembly was not in session this week, but many lawmakers were at the Capitol as joint budget committee hearings were held. Lawmakers will take Governor Kemp’s proposed budget and begin work on their versions of the budget. As a reminder, Governor Kemp sent budget instructions to all agency heads asking for a 4% cut to the amended fiscal year 20 (AFY 20) budget and a 6% cut to the fiscal year 21 (FY 21) budget. This report will focus on highlights of the Governor’s budget request and context for the proposed cuts.

Governor Kemp’s Budget Presentation Highlights:

  • The unemployment rate in Georgia is 3.3%
  • The Department of Community Supervision found $1.3 million in savings by shifting to a virtual office model
  • The Department of Corrections is using a new system that will save $16 million over time
  • The Department of Health will transfer customer care to the Department of Community Services
  • The Department of Community Affairs and the Department of Natural Resources will consolidate their land preservation resources
  • The Commissioner of Insurance will transfer the regulation of loans to the Department of Banking & Finance, which already regulates other loans
  • His proposed budget includes:
    • an additional $2,000 pay increase for teachers
    • $81 million to the USG and TCSG to mitigate the need for a tuition increase
    • $51 million for roadways
    • $50 million in general bonds to maintain roadways
    • $2 million for 7 new GBI positions for the Anti-Gang Task Force and a state gang database
    • $90 million for enrollment and expense growth in Medicaid
    • $23 million for the state-match for hospitals that serve under-served populations
  • $45 million to fund a $1,000 pay raise for state employees making less than $40,000 annually

Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman, State Fiscal Economist, Presentation to Joint Budget Committee:

  • Many countries we do business with are going into recession
  • Georgia is the 12th most reliant state on trade with these countries
  • U.S. manufacturing has been in a recession for 6 moths (12% of the economy)
  • U.S. services are growing, but at a slower rate of 1-2% (70% of the economy)
  • The percentage of disposable income that Americans are spending on debt payments has decreased from 12% (last recession) to 10%, meaning that any economic slow down will be more mild
  • Wage growth in Georgia is solid at 3-3.5%
  • Georgia’s economy will still grow over the next 9-12 months, just likely at a slower pace
  • Consumer sentiment has not dropped sharply
  • Budget is tight because revenue growth is slow 
    • On a good note, corporate taxes are steady
    • Lowering the income tax rate by 0.25% lowered revenue by $500 million/year; current budget does NOT presume an additional 0.25% reduction
    • TAVT changes reduced state revenue by $170 million
  • $2.8 billion remains in the Revenue Shortfall Reserve (RSR)
  • Passing Marketplace Facilitators bill would provide an additional $125 million (estimated) in revenues each year (Governor’s proposed budget also does not include these revenues)

Gov. Kemp’s Proposed DCA Budget for AFY 20:

  • Reduce funding to regional commissions:
    • $140,186 eliminated for DCA contractual services performed by regional commissions
    • $90,000 eliminated for regional commission performance audits
  • Eliminate $300,000 Blight Removal & Code Enforcement (BRACE) initiative, which provides grants to local governments
  • Reduce state economic development programs by $500,000 (REBA)
  • Eliminate $3.6 million from One Georgia for special purpose grants
  • Eliminate $50,000 for the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame

Gov. Kemp’s Proposed DCA Budget for FY 21:

  • Eliminate $481,788 for Americorps contract
  • Eliminate $140,000 for contractual services with regional commissions and eliminate $90,000 for regional commission performance audits
  • Eliminate $163,798 and discontinue the DCA Design Service Studio in Athens, GA which provides local government design services
  • Eliminate $300,000 for the Blight Removal & Code Enforcement (BRACE) initiative, which provides grants to local governments
  • Eliminate $2 million from the broadband deployment initiative
  • Add $1 million to transfer the Dept. of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Program to DCA
  • Eliminate $50,000 for the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame
  • Reduce state economic development funding by $500,000 (REBA)

Reduce One Georgia funding by $3.6 million for special purpose grants

Gov. Kemp’s Proposed GDEcD Budget for AFY 20:

  • Reduce $46,000 for marketing GA film, video, & music
  • Reduce $15,000 for Ga Council for the Arts
  • Reduce $40,000 for non-profit, educational, & partner grants for GA Council for the Arts
  • Reduce $430,000 for contractual services & marketing for Global Marketing
  • Reduce $122,500 for International Trade marketing
  • Reduce $75,000 for Rural Development personnel
  • Reduce $40,010 for Small & Minority Business Development contractual services
  • Reduce $719,995 for Tourism (personnel, closure of Hartsfield-Jackson airport visitors center, marketing)

Gov. Kemp’s Proposed GDEcD Budget for FY 21:

  • Reduce $269,651 for operations
  • Reduce $68,486 for Film, Video, & Music (travel and sponsorships)
  • Reduce $15,000 for Ga Council for the Arts
  • Reduce $300,000 for Ga Council for the Arts educational and non-profit partner grants
  • Reduce $703,607 for Global Commerce (contractual services, marketing, operating expenses)
  • Reduce $171,627 for International Trade (marketing)
  • Reduce $75,000 for Rural Development (personnel)
  • Reduce $60,000 for Small & Minority Business Development (contractual services)
  • Reduce $1,077,243 for Tourism (transfer 2 visitor information centers to DNR; marketing; use existing funds for the Georgia Historical Society Markets program; closure of Hartsfield-Jackson visitor information center; use existing funds for Georgia Civil War Heritage Trails; visitor information center grants; eliminate positions)

Bill Tracker: 

Because many bills GEDA monitored last session are still active, the bill tracker has carried over from the last legislative session. Please let us know if you become aware of legislation you would like us to follow.  

HB 184 – Small Cell Wireless 
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Brett Harrell
Bill Status: Senate Recommitted 1/13/20
Summary: To encourage small cell wireless deployment through the colocation of new equipment on already-existing infrastructure. 

HB 730 – Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Major Sporting Event Properties
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Ron Stephens
Bill Status: Introduced 1/13/20. Referred to Ways & Means.
Summary: To exempt all tangible personal property from taxation when sold to or used by a local host committee for major sporting events.

 HB 740 – Creation of a Sports Marketing Fund 
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Ron Stephens 
Bill Status: Introduced 1/13/20. Referred to Economic Development and Tourism.
Summary: To create a Sports Marketing Fund and Sports Marketing Board to provide funding to sports commissions. 

 HR 306 – Reduction of Personal and Corporate Income Tax Rate
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Efstration
Bill Status: Introduced 2/22/19. Referred to House Ways and Means Committee. 
Bill Summary: To provide for a reduction in the highest personal and corporate income tax rates by 0.25 percent

SB 162 – Disaster Mitigation Improvements and Broadband Services Infrastructure 
Bill Sponsor: Senator Matt Brass
Bill Status: Introduced 2/22/19. Passed Senate 3/7/19. House Withdrawn, Recommitted 4/2/19. 
Summary:  A bill relating to local government, so as to provide for disaster mitigation improvements and broadband services infrastructure in projects of downtown development authorities and development authorities. 

SR237 – Congressional Term Limits
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Cowsert
Bill Status: Introduced 2/22/19; passed Senate 3/8/19. House Referred to Rules 3/11/19.
Summary: A resolution urging Congress to call a convention to address term limits so as to limit the number of terms Members of Congress may serve. It would only be effective if 2/3 of the states passed.

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Call: (478) 825-3826 or peachcountydevelopment@ymail.com425 James E. Khoury DriveUnit BFort Valley, Georgia 31030