Development Authority of 
Peach County Georgia | 425 James E. Khoury Drive | Unit B | Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 | (478) 825-3826 |

Legislative Update 2020 - Week #6

March 2, 2020
GEDA (Georgia Economic Developers Association) & Prepared by: Cornerstone Government Affairs

The General Assembly met last week for Legislative Days 17-21. By passing Legislative Day 20, we are past the halfway mark of this year’s session! This week the General Assembly will meet for Legislative Days 22-25.
Last week, SB302, the “Tax Credit Return on Investment Act of 2020,” passed the Senate unanimously on 2/24. This legislation is sponsored by Senator Albers (R-Alpharetta), and would allow the Chair of the House Ways & Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee to request economic analyses detailing the return on investments of tax incentives offered by the state. The idea is to put all state incentives up for examination over time and determine if the cost to the state is worth the benefit. It now moves to the House for consideration.
HB1037 was introduced by Rep. Matt Dollar last week. This bill is known as the “Georgia Entertainment Industry Investment Act,” and it would require that every film, television, and media production that qualifies for the film tax credit is audited. This is in response to recent state audits that raised concern over the oversight of the credits. It would also expand the tax credit to major sporting events (i.e., the Super Bowl, the World Cup). The House Working Group on Creative Arts & Entertainment held a couple of hearings to go over the contents of the bill.
SB415, legislation proposing reforms to our civil justice system (aka “tort reform”) passed unanimously out of a Senate Insurance Subcommittee and now heads to the full Senate Insurance Committee for further consideration. Many proponents of SB415 claim that passage of this legislation will make it less costly to do business in Georgia.
SB371, which would allow the state to invest in railways and railroad equipment and provides authority to the GA Department of Transportation to administer the Georgia Freight Railroad Program passed the Senate unanimously on Friday.
As always please let us know if you become aware of legislation you would like us to monitor.

Bill Tracker: 

Because many bills GEDA monitored last session are still active, the bill tracker has carried over from the last legislative session. As always please let us know if you become aware of legislation you would like us to monitor.

HB 23 – Statutory Authority for Broadband: EMCs
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Penny Houston
Bill Status: Senate Recommitted 1/13/20
Summary: To specifically authorize Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs) & their affiliates to provide broadband services (aka “statutory authority”)
HB 184 – Small Cell Wireless 
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Brett Harrell
Bill Status: Senate Recommitted 1/13/20
Summary: To encourage small cell wireless deployment through the colocation of new equipment on already-existing infrastructure. 
HB 730 – Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Major Sporting Event Properties
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Ron Stephens
Bill Status: Introduced 1/13/20. Referred to Ways & Means.
Summary: To exempt all tangible personal property from taxation when sold to or used by a local host committee for major sporting events.
HB 740 – Creation of a Sports Marketing Fund 
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Ron Stephens 
Bill Status: Introduced 1/13/20. Referred to Economic Development and Tourism.
Summary: To create a Sports Marketing Fund and Sports Marketing Board to provide funding to sports commissions.
HB 749 – Protection of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing
Bill Sponsor: Rep. McLaurin 
Bill Status: Introduced 2/3/20. Referred to Governmental Affairs.
Summary: To provide for the protection of naturally occurring affordable housing and naturally occurring workforce housing in certain designated areas.
HB 782 – Revise the Number of State Holidays Observed
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Donna McLeod
Bill Status: Introduced 1/15/20. Referred to Governmental Affairs.
Summary: To designate the Tuesday following the first Monday in November of each year as a state holiday.
HB 788 – Extend the Sunset for a Manufacturer's Exemption
Bill Sponsor: Rep. John Corbett
Bill Status: Introduced 1/16/20. Referred to Ways & Means.
Summary: To extend the sunset on a manufacturer’s exemption from 2020 to 2025 for maintenance and replacement parts for machinery or equipment used for concrete.
HB 792 – AFY 2020 Budget
Bill Sponsor: Speaker Ralston
Bill Status: Introduced 1/27/20. Referred to Appropriations. Passed House by Substitute 2/19/20. Senate Referred to Appropriations.
Summary: The amended budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020
HB 793 – FY 2021 Budget
Bill Sponsor: Speaker Ralston
Bill Status: Introduced 1/27/20. Referred to Appropriations.
Summary: The budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
HB 794 – AFY 2020 Budget
Bill Sponsor: Speaker Ralston
Bill Status: Introduced 1/27/20. Referred to Appropriations.
Summary: The amended budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020
HB 795 – AFY 2020 Budget
Bill Sponsor: Speaker Ralston
Bill Status: Introduced 1/27/20. Referred to Appropriations.
Summary: The amended budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020
HB 796 – FY 2021 Budget
Bill Sponsor: Speaker Ralston 
Bill Status: Introduced 1/27/20. Referred to Appropriations.
Summary: The budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
HB 797 – FY 2021 Budget
Bill Sponsor: Speaker Ralston
Bill Status: Introduced 1/27/20. Referred to Appropriations.
Summary: The budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
HB 820 – State Investment in Railroad and Railway Facilities
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Tanner
Bill Status: Introduced 1/28/20. House Passed 2/24/20. Senate Referred to Transportation 2/25/20.
Summary: Relating to officers in the Department of Transportation, so as to provide for state investment in railways and railroad facilities and equipment
HB 827 – Creation of Georgia Major Sporting Event Reimbursement Fund and Board
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Stephens
Bill Status: Introduced 1/29/20. Referred to Ways & Means.
Summary: To create a fund for non recurring sports events to allot money not exceeding one-third of the cost of hosting the event towards the preparation, presentation, and execution of each event.
HB 834 – Revision of the Term “undertaking” Regarding Revenue Bonds
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Jasperse
Bill Status: Introduced 1/29/20. Referred to Governmental Affairs.
Summary: To revise the term “undertaking” to include the provision of access to the internet in regards to revenue bonds.
HB 837 – Alteration of the Approval Process of County Development Authorities under Certain Conditions
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Martin
Bill Status: Introduced 1/29/20. Referred to Ways & Means.
Summary: To require counties where 95% of the land area is incorporated into one or more municipalities to gain approval from the board of education or municipality before undertaking projects, acquiring titles to property, or granting tax abatements.
HB 839 – Change Definition of Employment
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Jones
Bill Status: Introduced 1/30/20. Referred to Industry and Labor. 
Summary: To change the definition of employment to include services performed by an individual for wages unless the Department of Labor makes a contrary determination.
HB 850 – Taxes to Provide for Uniform November Referenda and Elections 
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Ridley
Bill Status: Introduced 1/30/20. Referred to Ways & Means.
Summary: Relating to sales and use taxes, so as to provide for uniform November referenda and elections for local option sales taxes.
HB 887 – Increasing the Maximum Amount of Distilled Spirits a Manufacturer Can Sell per Consumer
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Stephens
Bill Status: Introduced 2/5/20. Referred to Regulated Industries.
Summary: Increasing the maximum amount of off-premise liquor consumed per customer from 2,250 to 4,500 milliliters of distilled spirits per day
HB 889 – Creation of the Toombs County Public Facilities Authority 
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Morris
Bill Status: Introduced 2/5/20. Referred to Intragovernmental Coordination. House Passed 2/19/20. Senate Referred to State and Local Government Operations. Senate Passed 2/26/20.
Summary: Creating the Toombs County Public Facilities Authority and establishing the the appointments of members of the authority.
HB 891 –  Eliminate Need of the Term “Primary”  to Allow for Sales Tax Exemptions for Performances and Exhibitions
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Gambill
Bill Status: Introduced 2/5/20. Referred to Ways & Means.
Summary: To make it so the mission to advance arts in this state shall not be required to be an organization's primary mission in order to obtain an exemption for certain sales of tickets, fees, or charges for admission.
HB 920 – Allow for Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Clark
Bill Status: Introduced 2/19/20. Referred to Higher Education.
Summary: To allow for students, including undocumented students, to be eligible for out-of-state tuition waivers if they meet the requirements of attending a Georgia secondary school for three consecutive years, applying for enrollment in a post-secondary institution within 24 months of completing secondary education, and providing official transcripts verifying attendance and graduation.
HB 930 – Changes to “Georgia Agribusiness and Rural Jobs Act
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Corbett
Bill Status: Introduced 2/19/20. Referred to Ways & Means.
Summary: To increase the population considered rural from 50,000 to 75,000, and to certify an additional $100 million in capital investments.
HB 970 – Income Tax Credit for Historic Structure Rehabilitation
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Smith, V.
Bill Status: Introduced 2/21/20. Referred to Ways and Means. 
Summary: To revise procedures, conditions, and limitations relating to tax credits for the rehabilitation of historic structures.
HB 976 – Bulloch County Public Facilities Authority Act
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Tankersley
Bill Status: Introduced 2/21/20. Referred to Intragovernmental Coordination. House Passed 2/25/20. Senate Referred to State and Local Government Operations.
Summary: To create the Bulloch County Public Facilities Authority and to provide for the appointment of members of the authority.
HB 986 – Limitations on Directors of Development Authorities and on the Purchasing of Property by Certain Development Authorities 
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Jackson
Bill Status: Introduced 2/21/20. Referred to Governmental Affairs.
Summary: To provide that members of a county or municipal governing authority appointed as directors of development authorities shall not serve as chairpersons or chief executive officers of such authorities and to provide that county development authorities for certain counties must obtain the consent of certain municipalities and school systems to acquire property or undertake projects within such municipalities.
HB 992 – Tax Credit for Investors in Women Owned Businesses
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Scott
Bill Status: Introduced 2/24/20. Referred to Ways and Means.
Summary: Relating to income taxes, so as to provide for an income tax credit for investors in women owned businesses.
HB 1002 – Georgia Income Tax and Determining Federal Income Tax
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Harrell
Bill Status: Introduced 2/25/20.  Referred to Ways and Means. 
Summary: Relating to imposition, rate, computation of, and exemptions from income taxes, so as to add Georgia income tax paid by an individual to Georgia taxable net income to the extent such tax was deducted in determining federal taxable income.
HB 1004 – Certain Credits for Higher Education
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Stephens 
Bill Status: Introduced 2/25/20. Referred to Ways and Means.
Summary: To provide for income tax credits for higher education for the Fort Gordon Cyber Security and Information Technology Innovation Corridor and the Savannah Logistics Technology Innovation Corridor.
HB 1011 – Proper Funding for Historic Property
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Frye
Bill Status: Introduced 2/25/20. Referred to Natural Resources and the Environment
Summary: Relating to powers, duties, and authority of the Department of Natural Resources and its Division of Historic Preservation and historic preservation grant program, so as to provide for and revise definitions. 
HB 1012 – Georgia Entertainment Industry Investment Act
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Werkheiser
Bill Status: Introduced 2/25/20. Referred to Ways and Means. 
Summary: Relating to the "Georgia Entertainment Industry Investment Act," so as to disallow and recapture any tax credit earned, claimed, transferred, or sold by a production company or qualified interactive entertainment production company that violates state or federal child labor laws or rules.
HR 306 – Reduction of Personal and Corporate Income Tax Rate
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Efstration
Bill Status: Introduced 2/22/19. Referred to Ways & Means. 
Bill Summary: To provide for a reduction in the highest personal and corporate income tax rates by 0.25 percent.
HR 876 – Urge Congress to Remove Cannabis from the Controlled Substance Act
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Kendrick
Bill Status: Introduced 1/29/20. Referred to Special Rules.
Summary: To urge Congress to enact legislation that would remove cannabis from the federal Controlled Substance.
HR 1060 – House Study Committee on Business and Legal Immigration
Bill Sponsor: Rep. Cantrell
Bill Status: Introduced 2/5/20. Referred to Special Rules.
Summary: A resolution creating the House Study Committee on Business and Legal Immigration; and for other purposes.
SB 20 – Banking Improvement Zones 
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Rhett
Bill Status: Introduced 1/16/19. Senate passed unanimously 2/17/19. House Adopted by Substitute 4/2/19. Senate Disagreed to House Substitute 2/4/20.
Summary: A bill to establish “banking improvement zones” to encourage opening of banks in areas underserved by banks. 
SB 43 – Definition of the Term “Undertaking” 
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Payne
Bill Status: Introduced 2/5/19. House Committee Favorably Reported 1/29/20.
Summary: Relating to revenue bonds, so as to revise the definition of the term "undertaking" as it relates to electric systems.
SB 110 – Statewide Business Court
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Stone
Bill Status: Introduced 2/14/19. Passed Senate 3/7/19. Passed House by Substitute 3/25/19, Conference Committee Appointed 3/29/19. House Conference Committee Report Adopted 4/2/19.
Summary: Legislation to create a statewide business court. 
SB 119 – Georgia Measuring Success Act
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Albers
Bill Status: Introduced 2/15/19. Passed Senate 3/4/1., Passed House by Substitute 3/28/19.
Summary: A bill relating to fiscal bills generally, so as to require an economic analysis prior to the introduction or amendment of legislation containing tax incentives or modifying or extending existing tax incentives. 
SB 131 – Georgia Major Airport Authority Act
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Jones, B
Bill Status: Introduced 2/19/19. Passed Senate 3/7/19. House Passed by Substitute 3/28/19.
Summary: A bill relating to aviation, so as to create the Georgia Major Airport Authority. The bill amends Article 1 of Chapter 15 of Title 45 of the O.C.G.A., to general provisions relative to the Attorney General, so as to provide for representation of the Georgia Major Airport Authority by the Attorney General.
SB 162 – Disaster Mitigation Improvements and Broadband Services Infrastructure
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Brass
Bill Status: Introduced 1/22/19. Passed Senate 3/7/19. House Withdrawn, Recommitted 4/2/19.
Summary: A bill relating to local government, so as to provide for disaster mitigation improvements and broadband services infrastructure in projects of downtown development authorities and development authorities.
SB 309 – Georgia Municipal and Local Government Infrastructure Finance Authority Act
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Stone
Bill Status: Introduced 1/28/20. Referred to State and Local Governmental Operations. Committee Favorably Reported by Substitute 2/19/20. Read Second Time 2/20/20. 
Summary: To create the Georgia Municipal and Local Government Infrastructure Finance Authority to provide a mechanism through which local governments may finance infrastructure at lower than prevailing costs to be available to the largest number of local governments feasible.
SB 322 – Development Impact Fees
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Ginn
Bill Status: Introduced 1/29/20. Referred to Economic Development and Tourism. Committee Favorably Reported by Substitute 2/18/20. House Referred to Governmental Affairs.
Summary: Relating to development impact fees, so as to authorize the exemption of certain development projects from funding such projects' proportionate share of system improvement under certain circumstances
SB 345 – Standards, Labeling, and Adulteration of Food of Nonprofit Organizations
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Kirkpatrick
Bill Status: Introduced 2/3/20. Referred to Health and Human Services. Committee Favorably Reported by Substitute 2/18/20. Senate Passed by Substitute 2/20/20.
Summary: Relating to development impact fees, so as to authorize the exemption of certain development projects from funding such projects' proportionate share of system improvement under certain circumstances.
SB 363 – Computation of Taxable Net Income with Exemption for Military Retirement
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Unterman
Bill Status: Introduced 2/5/20. Referred to Finance. 
Summary: Relating to computation of taxable net income, so as to provide an exemption for military retirement income.
SB 366 – Brady Law Regulations and Universal Background Checks
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Karinshak
Bill Status: Introduced 2/5/20. Referred to Judiciary.  
Summary: Relating to Brady Law regulations, so as to require universal background checks in all manner of firearm transfers and purchases.
SB 368 – Child-Placing Agencies Allowed to Prohibit Placement Due to Religious or Moral Convictions
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Harbin
Bill Status: Introduced 2/18/20. Referred to Judiciary.  
Summary: To prohibit child-placing agencies from being required to perform, assist, counsel, recommend, consent to, refer, or participate in any placement of a child for foster care or adoption when the placement violates certain religious or moral convictions of the child-placing agency
SB 371 – Georgia Freight Railroad Program
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Gooch
Bill Status: Introduced 2/18/20. Referred to Transportation.  Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute 2/21/20. Senate Read Second Time 2/24/20. 
Summary: To create the Georgia Freight Railroad Program, which would include the Rail Enhancement Plan, Rail Preservation Plan, and Rail Industrial Plan. There will be an annual report made by the commissioner of transportation to report on the activities of the program.
SB 403 – Allow for Lottery Game of Sports Wagering
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Jones, B
Bill Status: Introduced 2/21/20. Referred to Regulated Industries and Utilities. 
Summary: To provide for the lottery game of sports wagering in this state as a part of the Lottery for Education.
SB 404 – Development Impact Fees for Education
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Dolezal
Bill Status: Introduced 2/21/20. Referred to Education and Youth. 
Summary: To provide for the option of development impact fees to pay for a share of the cost of additional educational facilities to  serve new growth and development.
SB 420 – Nondiscrimination in Public Use of Restrooms
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Jones, E
Bill Status: Introduced 2/24/20. Referred to Health and Human Services.  
Summary: To provide that if a food sales establishment permits members of the public to use its restroom facilities, it must do so without discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age and must maintain the restrooms in a clean and serviceable condition.
SB 425 – Reconstitution of the Ocilla-Irwin County Industrial Development Authority
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Harper
Bill Status: In Senate Hopper 2/21/20.  
Summary: To reconstitute the Ocilla-Irwin County Industrial Development Authority.
SB 441 – Expenditures of a Production Company's State Certified Productions May Be Combined to Meet Spending Thresholds
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Mullis
Bill Status: Introduced 2/26/20.  Referred to Finance.
Summary: To provide that all expenditures of a production company's state certified productions may be combined to meet spending thresholds, to lower spending thresholds, to increase the value of the tax credit, to lower the cap on credits for certain years, to provide for transferability of the tax credit, and to provide for conditions and limitations.
SB 444 – Alternate Process to Condemn Certain Blighted Properties
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Jones, H
Bill Status: Introduced 2/26/20.  Referred to Government Oversight. 
Summary: To provide for an alternative process for a county, municipality, or consolidated government to condemn certain blighted properties.
SB 450 – Ocilla-Irwin County Industrial Development Authority
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Harper
Bill Status: Introduced 2/27/20.  Referred to State and Local Governmental Operations.
Summary: To amend an Act to reconstitute the Ocilla-Irwin County Industrial Development Authority so as to change the membership of said Authority.
SR 237 – Congressional Term Limits
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Cowsert
Bill Status: Introduced 2/22/19; passed Senate 3/8/19. House Referred to Rules 3/11/19.
Summary: A resolution urging Congress to call a convention to address term limits so as to limit the number of terms Members of Congress may serve. It would only be effective if 2/3 of the states passed.
SR 776 – Constitutional Amendment to Allow School Boards to Collect Development Fees
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Dolezal
Bill Status: Introduced 2/21/20. Referred to Education and Youth.
Summary: An amendment to the Constitution so as to provide that the General Assembly may by general law authorize local boards of education to impose, levy, and collect development impact fees and use the proceeds to pay for a share of the cost of additional educational facilities.
SR 821 – Lotteries, Nonprofit Bingo Games, and Sports Betting
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Jones, B
Bill Status: Introduced 2/26/20. 
Summary: So as to provide for sports betting in this state under certain circumstances.
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Call: (478) 825-3826 or peachcountydevelopment@ymail.com425 James E. Khoury DriveUnit BFort Valley, Georgia 31030