Response and Recovery Resources for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
July 28, 2020
University of Georgia - Small Business Development Center (Online news posts)
The University of Georgia Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has 17 offices across the state, covering every county, with consultants available to assist small business owners as they respond and recover. The links provided below offer quick links to some of the resources and information related to including cash flow, payroll, marketing and the effect on your business operations.
In addition to the list of resources available on this page, our business consultants have put together a guide for small businesses. “Conquering a Business Crisis” is a checklist for businesses navigating through current circumstances.
Please consider us a resource to assist you during these challenging times let us know how we can be of service. You can find and connect with your local UGA SBDC office or send a message to our State Office in Athens. Many of our offices are working remotely, so if you do call and get a voicemail, we will work to return your call as soon as possible.